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Color Measurement and Analysis
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The Extract Target from Image tool is designed to extract the average pixel value of target patches in images. To load an image, you drag and drop the file on the dialog or you navigate to the file after clicking on the “Load image” button. The supported image formats are TIFF RGB, CMYK and L*a*b* (8 bit/16 bit), JPG RGB and CMYK (8 bit), and PNG RGB (8 bit). Embedded profiles are recognized and automatically extracted. To extract a target, you: 1. Assign the number of ROWS and COLUMNS of the target. 2. Fit the target mask layout to the geometry of the imaged target. 3. Tweak the patch fill-ratio. Important: This tool is NOT designed to create ICC profiles; however, it can help you check the accuracy of a target image, and thus the accuracy of a camera profile or of the correction procedure applied to an image. For example, starting with the image shown in the screenshot above, we zoomed and dragged the image until the target filled the dialog (Note: The target can be larger than the dialog for more precision!). We then moved the mask handles, the four little squares, to fit the target as shown in the screenshot below left. We adjusted the patch fill-ratio to 50% to exclude patch borders and any shadow these borders can create. The screenshot below right shows the extracted zones, in yellow, obtained by pressing the "Extract target" button. At this point, you can accept the result, which will create a PatchTool file, or come back to the dialog to re-adjust the layout.
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BabelColor ®
The Extract Target from Image tool is designed to extract the average pixel value of target patches in images. To load an image, you drag and drop the file on the dialog or you navigate to the file after clicking on the “Load image” button. The supported image formats are TIFF RGB, CMYK and L*a*b* (8 bit/16 bit), JPG RGB and CMYK (8 bit), and PNG RGB (8 bit). Embedded profiles are recognized and automatically extracted. To extract a target, you: 1. Assign the number of ROWS and COLUMNS of the target. 2. Fit the target mask layout to the geometry of the imaged target. 3. Tweak the patch fill-ratio. Important: This tool is NOT designed to create ICC profiles; however, it can help you check the accuracy of a target image, and thus the accuracy of a camera profile or of the correction procedure applied to an image. For example, starting with the image shown in the screenshot above, we zoomed and dragged the image until the target filled the dialog (Note: The target can be larger than the dialog for more precision!). We then moved the mask handles, the four little squares, to fit the target as shown in the screenshot below left. We adjusted the patch fill-ratio to 50% to exclude patch borders and any shadow these borders can create. The screenshot below right shows the extracted zones, in yellow, obtained by pressing the "Extract target" button. At this point, you can accept the result, which will create a PatchTool file, or come back to the dialog to re-adjust the layout.
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