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Color Measurement and Analysis
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This PatchTool Tweak Target tool’s purpose is to improve the accuracy of printed color patch lists by successive approximations; the original color list is modified in one or two iterations (respectively requiring 2 or 3 files). In the screenshot above, we are at the last step of a two iterations tweak. The process requires the original data (file #1), the measurements of the printed original data (file #2), and the measurements (file #4) of the printed file #3 (…Tweak-1.txt) obtained after the first iteration. The result will be a file with a " Tweak-2 " suffix that should be used to print the target with improved accuracy. A typical use would be to print a target, a ColorChecker for example, where we want the print to be as close as possible to the reference values. You are not limited to small targets and you could well tweak targets with thousands of patches. A mini-tutorial on how to use this tool can be found in the PatchTool Help manual.


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This PatchTool Tweak Target tool’s purpose is to improve the accuracy of printed color patch lists by successive approximations; the original color list is modified in one or two iterations (respectively requiring 2 or 3 files). In the screenshot above, we are at the last step of a two iterations tweak. The process requires the original data (file #1), the measurements of the printed original data (file #2), and the measurements (file #4) of the printed file #3 (…Tweak-1.txt) obtained after the first iteration. The result will be a file with a " Tweak-2 " suffix that should be used to print the target with improved accuracy. A typical use would be to print a target, a ColorChecker for example, where we want the print to be as close as possible to the reference values. You are not limited to small targets and you could well tweak targets with thousands of patches. A mini-tutorial on how to use this tool can be found in the PatchTool Help manual.
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