BabelColor ®
Color Measurement and Analysis


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Use this tool to define two (2) Custom Illuminants which can be assigned in any opened file, Compare window, as well as in most dialogs which propose an illuminant selection (Missing Info, Display Reader, Select Average, Select Compare, Select Files to Join, Spectrum Generator, Substrate Correction, and Tweak Target). The Custom Illuminants always appear as “Ill-1” and “Ill-2” at the end of the Illuminant selection menus. Spectral data is required to define a Custom Illuminant in PatchTool (i.e. such an illuminant cannot be defined only with XYZ coordinates). However, a Custom Illuminant can be assigned to a file containing only tristimulus data (XYZ, L*a*b*, RGB, etc.). A Custom Illuminant can be measured from within this dialog with an X-Rite i1Pro or i1Pro 2 fitted with an ambient adapter. Illuminant data can also be loaded from a file. The file must be in text format; such files typically have .txt or .csv file extensions. As for the file data structure, a plain text file as described in Appendix A of the PatchTool Help manual is accepted as well as a CGATS file. The spectral data must be defined between 380 and 730 nm or between 400 and 700 nm, in 5 nm or 10 nm increments. The file must contain only one (1) spectrum. Note: All CIE 1931 (2 deg. Standard Observer) and CIE 1964 (10 deg. Standard Observer) computation is done, within PatchTool, with 10 nm bandwidth data. All CIE 170 2 deg. and 10 deg. cone fundamentals computation (identified as 2F and 10 F Standard Observers in PatchTool) is done, within PatchTool, with 5 nm bandwidth data. 10 nm bandwidth input data is expected In all cases. Please consult the “Custom Illuminants” section of the PatchTool Help manual for a complete description of this tool’s features. Please consult “Appendix H” of the PatchTool Help manual for a presentation of CIE 170 (CIE 2006 / CIE 2015) support in PatchTool.
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BabelColor ®


Use this tool to define two (2) Custom Illuminants which can be assigned in any opened file, Compare window, as well as in most dialogs which propose an illuminant selection (Missing Info, Display Reader, Select Average, Select Compare, Select Files to Join, Spectrum Generator, Substrate Correction, and Tweak Target). The Custom Illuminants always appear as “Ill-1” and “Ill-2” at the end of the Illuminant selection menus. Spectral data is required to define a Custom Illuminant in PatchTool (i.e. such an illuminant cannot be defined only with XYZ coordinates). However, a Custom Illuminant can be assigned to a file containing only tristimulus data (XYZ, L*a*b*, RGB, etc.). A Custom Illuminant can be measured from within this dialog with an X-Rite i1Pro or i1Pro 2 fitted with an ambient adapter. Illuminant data can also be loaded from a file. The file must be in text format; such files typically have .txt or .csv file extensions. As for the file data structure, a plain text file as described in Appendix A of the PatchTool Help manual is accepted as well as a CGATS file. The spectral data must be defined between 380 and 730 nm or between 400 and 700 nm, in 5 nm or 10 nm increments. The file must contain only one (1) spectrum. Note: All CIE 1931 (2 deg. Standard Observer) and CIE 1964 (10 deg. Standard Observer) computation is done, within PatchTool, with 10 nm bandwidth data. All CIE 170 2 deg. and 10 deg. cone fundamentals computation (identified as 2F and 10 F Standard Observers in PatchTool) is done, within PatchTool, with 5 nm bandwidth data. 10 nm bandwidth input data is expected In all cases. Please consult the “Custom Illuminants” section of the PatchTool Help manual for a complete description of this tool’s features. Please consult “Appendix H” of the PatchTool Help manual for a presentation of CIE 170 (CIE 2006 / CIE 2015) support in PatchTool.
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